The Perfect Environment
Just like with feed, choosing the correct animal bedding is essential to any health and wellness program. By creating environments that mimic their natural habitats, it improves their well-being and performance. The right material also helps maintain the optimum environmental balance, reducing the amount of bedding rotation and waste.
We offer the spectrum of bedding material. From varieties of kiln-dried and heat-treated hardwoods to corn cobs, paper products to specialty blends, we carry the best brands, best-suited for your applications.
Gateway Lab Supply is dedicated to creating individualized animal wellness programs based on each customers’ needs. We pride ourselves on close communication, timely personal delivery, high availability and anticipation of need.
Controlled Storage
Our warehouse is purpose-built for the storage and distribution of specialty animal care products. We pay special attention to maintenance of consistent temperature and humidity levels. We guarantee the quality and condition of all bedding products. If the bedding product is expressly manufactured to be moisture controlled and free of pests, we make sure it stays exactly the way it arrived to our facility.
Product Handling and Storage Statement

Corn Cob Bedding
The Andersons® is the premier provider of research animal bedding. Their Bed-o’Cobs® corn cob bedding is the ideal material for mice, rats, guinea pigs and other small animals. High quality, environmentally friendly and natural, Bed-o’Cobs® products are specially designed to control liquid absorption and odor, and resists clinging to the inside of cages. Bed-o’Cobs® is available in 1/8” and 1/4” standard bedding, and an irradiated blend for maximum contamination control.

Wood Bedding
Contact bedding made from virgin hardwoods is the Nepco® specialty. Heat-treated to reduce contaminants, low dust for safety and super absorbent, each wood product is designed to create natural, comfortable habitats for small animals. Packaged in autoclaveable bags for additional heat treating prior to use, Nepco® wood bedding is available in both chip form and shavings for optimum animal wellness, and can be used in ventilated rack systems.

Paper Bedding
Providing newly manufactured and recycled paper bedding of the utmost quality is Shepard’s® passion. Only soft, clean, comfortable and highly absorbent material makes it into Shepard’s® line of products. They focus on consistency in particle size and dust and ammonia control to create safe, natural environments for specialty animal habitats. Whatever size animals you care for, Shepard® makes the right paper bedding product for the environment.